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He's earned it. oakley 10187199554 c3aa201e92 o 637x431 Facebook To Acquire Virtual Reality Headset Maker, Oculus, For $2 Billion In Cash and Stock Facebook believes virtual reality technology is a strong candidate to emerge as the next social and communications platform: “Mobile is the platform of today, and now we’re also getting ready for the platforms of tomorrow,” said Facebook founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg. These have a shape not that dissimilar to Oakley’s classic Half Jackets, and both the arms and the frames have a rubberised surface; the fit is good though, as the arms can be bent to suit your head shape. Nobody could ever accuse Jawbones of not looking the part, and this all-white frame doesn’t buck that trend. [oakley] The bodies they’ve collected over the past several days span the age range, from babies to the elderly.
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